Source: Roy Morgan Business Survey April 2011 - March 2012
all about andrew (braun) |
45% of Australian businesses have a mobile broadband Internet service (e.g. USB dongle), and businesses operating in the Finance and Insurance industry are the most likely to have such as service (56%).
Source: Roy Morgan Business Survey April 2011 - March 2012
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1 in 7 (or 284,000) Australian businesses own, rent or lease a Tablet Computer. Among these businesses, a total of 478,000 tablets are being used. Nearly half (46%) of all large businesses (with 200 employees or more) own, rent or lease a Tablet Computer. This data and more comes from latest Roy Morgan Business Survey (of almost 9,000 business).
Source: Roy Morgan Research April 2011 - March 2012 66.5% of Smartphone users 14+ did one or more online activities using their phone in the last 4 weeks. The number one activity in the last 4 weeks was Email (40.1% of Smartphone users).
Source: Roy Morgan Research July 2011 - June 2012. Smartphone owners are 63% more likely than the Australian average 14+ to agree with the statement "I am willing to pay more for a faster mobile internet connection." I doubt these people suffer from "bill shock."
Source: Roy Morgan Research June 2011-May 2002 7.2% of Australians 14+ have used their mobile phone for commerce in an average 4 week (up from 4.4% 12 months earlier).
Source: Roy Morgan Research: Average 4 week period Jan-Mar 2011 vs. Jan-Mar 2012 'The Future of Classifieds Online' was an event held at the UK Google office on 22nd May 2009 and focused on the latest trends and innovation in the classifieds industry. Leading figures from within the UK classifieds space spoke at the event offering insight into some of the tools available to make the most of the new digital economy. Here is a cute presentation that shows how much the world has changed over the past 30 or so years by virtue of the technology & information revolution: |